There are many debt settlement companies to choose from so how should you go about finding the top performing companies? That’s where comes in. We are not a direct debt settlement company however we are affiliated with numerous debt settlement companies all of which we have qualified based on several different factors. makes sure the consumer has a variety of debt relief services to chose from all of which have been qualified as legitimate and top performing companies. Using the vast debt relief network that has established will ensure the consumer that they will be provided a debt settlement company in their area that has proven success in eliminating credit card debt for consumers. We are truly a consumer based service that is looking to raise the bar in the debt settlement industry.
Credit card debt is very easy to accumulate and almost every consumer will have to deal with managing credit card debt sometime in their lives. With all the late payment fees and high interest charges that credit card companies charge, it is no wonder why so many people have accumulated serious debt balances. If you currently have over $10,000 in unsecured credit card debt then you should really consider getting a debt settlement. The market for debt settlements has become increasing favorable to the consumer as credit card companies are willing to makes deals to recoup some of their outstanding credit. With the help of, it is possible to eliminate at least 50% of your credit card debt.
Our service is completely free of charge for the consumer. When you fill out the form on the home page of we match your information and location up with a top performing debt relief specialist in your state. Once the form is filled out the specialist will generally give you a call within 24 hours and send you an email to discuss how they can help eliminate credit card debt.
If you think it’s “too good to be true” to be able to eliminate at least 50% of your credit card debt you need to understand the market. The recession has created favorable conditions for consumers to negotiate with their credit card companies and eliminate a percentage of their credit card debt. Credit card companies are very concerned about collecting on their unsecured debt and consumers truly have the leverage in this market. Most major credit card companies also have a surplus of stimulus money that makes consumer debt settlements a financially feasible option.
It almost always makes financial sense to hire a professional debt settlement company if you have at least $10,000 in unsecured credit card debt. The best debt settlement companies will have established relationships with all the major creditors and they have a significant advantage in the negotiation process. By using a top debt settlement company it is very possible to eliminate 60% of your credit card debt.